Women Lead Many Jobs in Australia

Women dominated the workforce numbers in 2017 according to a senior economist at the Commonwealth Bank, Michael Workman. Out of a total of 11.2 million jobs in Australia, females filled 46 percent of the positions. Healthcare, professional services, construction, retail and education, the top five sectors that recorded the strongest employment growth, said positions were filled more by women than men over the year. Australia is a great country to live in which stands for equality for all people. Australia Immigration Professionals employs a team of experts that can assist you and your family through the immigration process. They want to help you find a way to live and work in Australia.
There was a total of 387,000 jobs in Australia created in the year leading up to November 2017. Females filled 209,000 of those positions, and males filled only 178,000. These figures show that 2017 was an all-around stellar year for Australian employment growth. According to Workman, the upward trends will most likely continue into the year ahead, which he said will increase female employment growth even more and spur labor market participation. “In our view, the strong jobs market performance is set to continue through 2018. We expect another 300,000 new jobs with more full-time than part-time positions being created.”
Australia Immigration Professionals makes the immigration process easier for you and your family with their various stages set in place. The immigration lawyer will evaluate your eligibility to apply for the GSM (General Skilled Migration), a program designed for skilled foreign workers, so they and their families can live and work in Australia as permanent, long-time residents. Contact them today!